The Great Class War of 2014


The Great Class War of 2014 has begun in Blooming Grove Texas.

All current and former students of Blooming Grove are being asked to help.

Our gym is in desperate need of a new scoreboard.  Blooming Grove Little Dribblers is challenging all current and former students to see which class can donate the most money to help with a new scoreboard.  The winning class will have a sign honoring their class posted next to the new scoreboard for as long as it stands.


ANYONE can donate.  Let’s say you never attended BG but your Grandmother was a member of the class of 1950.  You can donate in her name to help her class win.  Maybe your son is just a kindergartner.  You can donate in his name to help the class of 2027.    With your help, we will hopefully see a new scoreboard before the end of the year.

Donating is simple.  Any amount will be greatly appreciated.

Make a check out to “Blooming Grove Little Dribblers”

Write on the check or a separate piece of paper the class you want the money to represent.


Mail to:

Blooming Grove Little Dribblers
PO Box   41
Blooming Grove, TX   76626

We will be giving class totals periodically and letting you know who’s donating.  Please share this with all the people you are friends with on Facebook.  Please tell people you think might be interested but do not participate on Facebook.

If you have any questions, please call    Cynthia Baumgartner    903.654.4045

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