Community Garden Update – 4/25/2016
“Slow but sure, a steady pace… A motto for the human race” – Progress is being made at the Blooming Grove Community Garden… The rainy weather has held up many of the “To Do’s”, but this past weekend we got a reprieve and were blessed with beautiful weather.
Several people pitched in and we were able to prepare 20 raised beds with a high quality soil mixture called “Veggie Mix” obtained from Living Earth Technologies in Lancaster. Once the beds were prepared, we were able to fill them all with a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables including several varieties of tomatoes, hot peppers, multi colored bell peppers, beans, eggplant, squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, watermelon and an herb garden with oregano, thyme, cilantro, dill and basil. The soil and plants were donated by Blue Sky Country Real Estate and Susan McCall with Seville Farms.
This week we will be bringing in several truckloads of additional soil in order to fill in low spots in the garden and allow for adequate drainage. We will also be building several more raised beds to allow for additional planting.
Local Boy Scout Brady Miller has decided to do his Eagle Scout project at the Community Garden. His project will be to assess the irrigation needs of the garden, then work on designing, planning and implementing an irrigation system. He will work with local advisors to determine all the equipment and materials necessary to do the project. He will also assist in obtaining donations and sponsorships in order to fund the project. If you know of any companies or individuals who are willing to make a donation, please contact Garden Coordinator, Robert Phipps: [email protected] The plan is to complete the project in June of this year.
The Blooming Grove Volunteer Fire Department is working on a project to install a “Fire Hydrant” fountain and they have picked out a corner of the garden to landscape and maintain. Eva Marshall is putting on her “Creativity Hat” and we are looking forward to having her add her special touch in the garden.
Other upcoming projects include installing compost bins and earthworms, building a greenhouse, a gazebo in the center of the garden, installing pathways, seating areas, building a front gate, as well as planting many vining plants such as grapes, blackberries, rasberries and others along the fence rows.
The food grown will be used by the folks who participate with maintaing the grounds. All the extra bounty will be donated to local community members in need or will be sold to raise funds for maintaining the garden.
We strive to use the highest quality soils and amendments and use as many heirloom and non GMO plants and seeds as possible. We do not use any chemicals, Round-Up, pesticides, etc. Everything is grown naturally, just like your grand parents did.
We are always looking for new people to assist with maintaining the garden and helping with our projects. If you would like to be involved, give me a shout at 903-695-2978 or by email at [email protected]
Here’s to a bountiful season!
RL Phipps